Sua S’dey!
Thank you for stopping by Sophon!
We hope that your communion with us will be thought-provoking and that you will be able to find community in your experience.
With sharing this modest space with you, I am personally asking for humility, patience and grace while upholding an eagerness to learn about the beautifully rich and tragic Cambodian story that dates back to the golden peak of the Khmer Empire and our culture’s people. In return, I, along with my family of staff, promise to honor the same humility, patience and grace in supporting the representation & inclusion of this space that is named after our mom.
This space will create many memories. Memories amongst one another & dialogue amongst the community. Just like any other household rich in cultural history, this household will differ in how and what we cook. My one promise is that the story in the food that we will be sharing with our community in this space is authentically our great-grandmother’s and authentically our family’s.
My great-grandmother taught my mom, Sophon (eldest of 7 siblings), all of the recipes that our mom in turn taught myself and my brothers. Our menu will be a blend of family-authentic Khmer recipes and Khmer-diaspora recipes influenced from the many areas my brothers & I have been raised throughout the U.S. Gatekeeping of any kind should be checked at the door as this should be a space of positive inclusion & representation.
In your experience with us, you are amplifying the voices of all the Khmer/Cambodian voices that have been silenced forever or silenced by trauma. In sharing this space with you, our working goal is to share our family’s story along with our culture’s history in a sustainable space for healing from generational trauma through the love, empathy & compassion that is shared through community.
With deepest appreciation, respect & gratitude,
Karuna Long
Chef/Owner/Most importantly, proud son of refugee-survivors of an oft-forgotten genocide